Posts tagged spider plant

Indoor air quality isn’t always as good as we think it is, since many of the bad things that we’re breathing in are invisible, odorless, and tasteless. Unbeknownst to us, many things in our home, like our electronics, furniture, carpets, and even walls, and activities, like cooking and cleaning, will leach toxic chemicals into the air. So what do we do? We have plenty of cleaning services here in Indianapolis, but none of them are exactly known for cleaning air! Well, thankfully, the solution is as simple as air-cleaning houseplants.

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Having a houseplant around is the most zen way to bring nature indoors. We reap many benefits by having these wonderful, leafy companions with us through every season - from better air quality to a more beautified space.

Bringing plants into our homes from their native outdoors does come with a little bit of parenting. After all, you are taking care of a living thing that doesn’t speak your language when trying to ask for what it wants! Getting used to life on the inside takes a bit of transitioning, but for most plant parents it’s pretty straightforward:

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