dammanns garden company - assorted trees in nursery

During the first year after planting a new tree, the care requirements are very different than they will be down the road once your new plant is well-established. Think of it like a baby or a new puppy—it’s a bit needier in the early stages, but if you take the time to meet its needs, you’ll set it up for a successful future. Here’s the lowdown on all you'll need to keep your new tree happy and healthy in its first year.

dammanns garden company - father and son planting a new tree

Everything You Need to Know About Newly Planted Tree Care

Taking care of newly planted trees requires more effort than a mature tree because its roots are spreading out and getting established. If it’s getting neglected, those roots won’t spread properly, and other complications could arise down the road. Follow these guidelines for helping your newly planted tree settle into its new home.

Watering Your New Tree

New plantings need a lot more water in their first year than they will later on once they’ve matured. Follow this timeline for watering in the first year—however, you can scale back on watering if we get a lot of rain.

  • Weeks 1–2: Water every day

  • Weeks 3–12: Water every 2–4 days

  • Week 12+: Water once per week, stop watering over winter, then resume again in spring. 

Unsure of how much water you should give your newly planted tree? Measure the diameter of the trunk and times that number by 1.5. That’s how many gallons of water you should apply at a time. So, if your tree is 1 inch thick, give it 1.5 gallons. If it’s 3 inches thick, give it 4.5 gallons. 

dammanns garden company- newly planted tree with mulched base

Fertilizer and Mulch

We do not typically recommend fertilizing newly planted trees and shrubs during their first year of growth, but after the first year, you can apply a slow-release fertilizer in the spring. Use a formula that’s specially formulated for trees and shrubs, or look for something with an NPK ratio of 2–1–1 or 3–1–1.

Spreading a layer of mulch around the base of your tree offers many benefits. For starters, it helps block the sun from heating the soil, which helps prevent the soil from drying out and stressing your sapling’s roots. It also provides winter insulation so that those vulnerable roots won’t get damaged from the freezing cold. It also slowly breaks down over time, releasing beneficial microbes and nutrients into the soil. Spread an even, 2-inch layer all around your tree, being careful not to pile it up around the trunk, as this can encourage rot and fungal growth. Use a natural mulch like pine bark or wood chips for best results. 

Pruning Newly Planted Trees

It might seem strange to prune a small, young tree that doesn’t have many branches yet, but it can make a world of difference in the shape of your tree later on. Prune in late winter before new growth has emerged. Remove weaker branches and leave a strong “central leader” branch in the middle. Keep 3–4 strong lateral shoots with wide crotches. Cut back the central leader by ½ and the lateral shoots by ¼. Always thoroughly sanitize your saw or pruners before making cuts to prevent the spread of disease.

DAMMANNS GARDEN COMPANY - newly planted trees covered from frost

Winter Protection

New trees will benefit from wrapping in winter to keep them insulated and prevent winter burn and salt damage. Use burlap or a tree wrap and secure it all around your tree with thick twine. 

Pest and Disease Control

The best defense against pests and diseases is simply maintaining a healthy, hydrated tree! However, applying a dormant oil kit in early March before the buds have broken open is especially useful for fruit trees. If your newly planted tree is suffering from a significant pest infestation or fungal outbreak, speak with our experts in-store, and we’ll help you plan a safe method of attack!

If you have more questions about new tree care in Indianapolis, don’t hesitate to call us at Dammann’s Garden Company! There’s still plenty of time to plant new trees in autumn, so visit the garden center to see all the gorgeous varieties waiting for you to take them home.