
Everyone has experienced the boost in mental energy after eating a fresh salad or munching a handful of berries. But can simply being around plants improve our concentration? It sounds mysterious, but it’s something we’ve all likely felt. I mean, just think back to your last walk in nature or reading session in the garden. Many studies from around the world are now confirming our intuition: yes, plants do increase our mental clarity. And not only that—it turns out we don’t have to move our offices outdoors. Houseplants bring many of the same mental benefits to our indoor spaces. Here are some of our favorites for increasing concentration! 


Among this plant’s mental benefits is their ability to exhale oxygen and purify the air. Cleaner air allows more oxygen to reach the brain, boosting our mood, focus, creativity and reducing stress. Peace Lily is one of the best air-purifying plants around. They are wizards at filtering unsavory chemicals from the air that off-gas from many household items. Plus, their beautiful white blossoms improve the aesthetics of a room—which may be just as important for improving concentration!


The Spider Plant is another master air-purifier. It’s one of several plants lauded by NASA for its ability to remove toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air. Space scientists were searching for the best plants to remove airborne toxins from the space station. The Spider Plant did an excellent job—and it will happily filter the air in your work or study space as well! They trap volatile chemicals that leach into air from plastics, cleaners, paint, carpets, and furniture, giving us a fresh atmosphere to work in. Plus, its two-toned leaves are just plain beautiful. 



Philodendrons are easy-to-maintain plants that make great office companions. They are another set of fresh lungs, like the Peace Lily, that purifies the room of invisible toxins. The sight of them alone may refresh us. Their tuft of big leaves have a clean, polished, yet care-free look that’s easy to integrate into any space.    


A houseplant does not need to have any special air-filtering qualities or essential oils to improve concentration. A recent UK study found that houseplants in office spaces improve well-being, concentration, and productivity by 47%, and memory retention by 20%, regardless of what plants they were. That means all houseplants have something to offer. The monstera brings a special gift of beautiful broad leaves that give your room a lush, jungle feel. 



Jade Plants are resilient, long-lived succulents that are perfect for improving the mood of a room. They happily enjoy the warm, dry conditions of most houses. With minimal care, they’ll bring their calming presence and gem-like beauty to any cozy desk or workspace.    


Snake Plants are some of the easiest houseplants to care for. They don’t mind low light, and can be neglected for weeks at a time, all the while maintaining beautiful green and yellow leaves that grow vertically from the soil. NASA has also touted Snake Plants for their ability to filter benzene and formaldehyde from the air. 



The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree requires slightly more care, yet its beauty is unmatched if given the right conditions. This tree can help you relax and breathe easier in any room of the house, as long as it receives enough sunlight. And why should we only keep houseplants in the office? Our concentration at work grows out of our whole daily routine. Every activity and room can benefit from the presence of houseplants.    


Improving an environment is one of the surest ways to improve our behavior in that space. Here are a few extra tips, beyond adding houseplants, that can improve your concentration in the workplace: 

  1. Keep your workspace clean and organized. To keep our inner world calm and ordered, it helps to keep our room that way. Find a good system of organization and make a habit of clearing away clutter. 

  2. Create zones. Instead of spending the whole day in front of a screen in one position, try to give yourself separate desk space to read or make phone calls, a standing desk to stretch your legs, or just a place to sit and relax for five minutes.     

  3. Bask in the sunlight. Much like fresh air, the golden rays of the sun can boost our energy and concentration. Find a spot near a window.    

  4. Paint your walls. Neutral colors may be free of distraction, but sometimes a bold coat of yellow can energize a room, like the flash of sunlight, or likewise the addition of your favorite color. 

  5. Beautify and stylize your space. Create a place that you want to be in. Envision a room that inspires you and take steps to create it. Working within a beautiful atmosphere can improve your concentration for the simple reason that it makes you want to be there!    

Houseplants are key to improving the comfort, creativity and concentration we experience in our workplaces. They purify the air, give aromatherapy, and are a calming presence in themselves. These favorites are just a few of the possibilities and every houseplant has its own special gifts. If you need more advice for selecting the best ones, please don’t hesitate to drop by our garden center in Indianapolis.