
It has become apparent in the last few years just how important pollinators are. Fuzzy little bumblebees, legs loaded with pollen, have become a very popular critter. Along with their popularity, the idea of gardening for pollinators has become a common goal. It's become so popular that June has been named Pollinator Month!

Often, information about gardening for pollinators focuses on different types of flowers, annuals or perennials, that we can grow in our yards to support pollinator populations. But what if you don't love flower gardening? Or perhaps you would like some trees and shrubs in your yard, as well as flowers? 

The good news is that there are many shrubs that also help support pollinators that we can grow in Indianapolis. Here are a few ideas for flowering shrubs that you can add to your yard to help feed the bees, and other pollinating critters, like birds and butterflies.


This deciduous shrub is super low maintenance, and it's very popular with the bees. Potentilla is a great shrub for hedges, and its abundant little flowers provide lots of nectar from June until frost. It's also popular with small birds because it offers them lots of protection from predators. Potentilla is usually 2-3 feet tall, 3-4 feet wide. Goldfinger Potentilla features yellow flowers, and Pink Beauty Potentilla features pink flowers.


This deciduous shrub is popular with bees and butterflies. It features clusters of pretty pink buds that turn into white flowers in the spring. When their leaves drop in the fall, it reveals its interesting peeling bark. There are many varieties available, ranging in size from 2 feet tall to 6 feet tall. Center Glow Ninebark features leaves that start yellow-green and change color to a rich red-orange. Lemon Candy Ninebark leaves emerge as lemon yellow, changing to chartreuse green.



Sometimes called Hardy Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon is a deciduous shrub that features large beautiful flowers. It can be a bit of a high maintenance shrub. It usually grows to about 4 feet tall and wide. One thing to keep in mind is that varieties with double blossoms generally have less pollen, and are very difficult for bees to get into. If you're choosing one for the bees, pick one with single blooms, like Lil' Kim® Rose of Sharon with its gorgeous white flowers with red centers, or the lavender flowers of Azurri Blue Satin® Rose of Sharon


Caryopteris is a smaller flowering shrub that's been gaining popularity with people and pollinators. Its pretty flowers have lots of pollen to go around. Caryopteris is a low mounding shrub and is available with flowers in a variety of different colors. Dark Knight Caryopteris features royal purple flowers, and Blue Balloon Caryopteris features dark blue flowers.



It's obvious from the name that Butterfly Bush is a hit with the pollinators. Butterfly bush features long panicles of tiny flowers full of nectar. These bushes can get very large, and they grow fast, they should be pruned hard every spring, and spent flowers should be removed in the fall. Lo And Behold® Blue Chip Junior Dwarf Butterfly Bush is a smaller variety with dark purple-blue flowers, and Miss Molly Butterfly Bush features vibrant hot pink flowers.



Many varieties of hydrangea have little or pollen or nectar for bees, but Paniculata varieties are loaded with it. Hydrangeas are a deciduous shrub that features larger clusters of tiny flowers. They vary in size, but most are reasonably small shrubs. Bombshell Hydrangea boasts pretty white flowers, and Little Lime® Hydrangea features green and pink-tinged blooms.


Lilacs are a popular early bloomer that pollinators love. They also smell great, and the flowers are beautiful, so they're popular with people too. These deciduous shrubs can get quite large, but they're super hardy and fairly low maintenance, however, keep in mind that they do sucker, and will eventually take over plenty of space if left unchecked. Bloomerang® Lilac features classic purple flowers, and Scent And Sensibility™ Pink Lilac feature pretty pink flowers. 

If you'd like to add a few of these shrubs to your landscape to help the bees, give us a call, or stop by the garden center, to find out what we have in stock.