Fall Gardening Chores: Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter

As the trees turn to shades of reds, oranges, and browns, it's time to turn our attention to our fall gardening chores list to make sure we are ready for winter. 

Preparing your garden for the upcoming winter is not only a practical task but can also be an enjoyable one. In this blog post, we'll explore some fall gardening chores to help you get your garden ready for the colder months ahead.

Tidy up

First things first, get to pulling those weeds you’ve been procrastinating and ignoring! No one really enjoys pulling weeds, but your garden will thank you in the spring. While you’re at it, remove any dead or withered plants, leaves, and debris as well a prune overgrown shrubs and trees to maintain their shape and health. 

Plant Bulbs, Trees, and Shrubs

Come give us a visit and select what you want to see bloom this spring! Planting tulips, daffodils, and many other spring-blooming bulbs should be done in late September through October before the first hard frost.

Fall is also the ideal time to plant trees and shrubs. The soil is still warm enough for the roots to establish if you plant well before the first frost of the season. 

Pro-tip: The key term here is “before the first frost”. Don’t procrastinate this!

Divide and transplant

Fall is the ideal time to divide and transplant perennials. This chore not only rejuvenates your garden but also provides an opportunity to share your favorite plants with friends and family.

Add mulch to your garden

Spreading a few-inch thick layer of mulch to your garden beds is an important fall task. This step helps prevent weeds, maintain moisture, and insulate your soil!

Overwinter your plants

If your flowering plants or herbs are still going strong when cool weather arrives, overwintering is how we can help them survive! Overwintering plants simply means bringing plants indoors or giving them shelter from cold weather, wind, and snow.

Some plants can overwinter as houseplants while others can go dormant. 

Come talk to us if you have questions about how your plant will do best!

Fall gardening chores are not only essential for the health of your garden but also a delightful way to embrace the changing seasons. Take the time to prepare your garden for winter now so you can enjoy watching it thrive this spring. Happy gardening!

Mattew Dammann